  Mission Name:   ToAUM-07: Westerly Winds
  Start NPC:   Aht Urhgan Whitegate
  Requirements:   Treasures of Aht Urhgan
  Suggested Level:   Any
  Title:   Agent of the Allied Forces
  Repeatable:   No
  Reward:   2 Imperial Silver Piece
  Key Item: Raillefal's Note
  Previous Mission:   Easterly Winds
  Next Mission:   A Mercenary Life


  • Head to the Shararat Teahouse (K-11) for a cutscene and one Imperial Silver Piece.
  • Then talk to Naja Salaheem (I-10) again for another cutscene and another Imperial Silver Piece.
  • You can either tell her he went home: Telling her he went home gives the rant about how She owns you both through contract.
  • Or tell her that he is a prince: Which lets you pick the first option at the end anyway.

    "...Uh-huh. How in the world could a smart-mouthed, bone-brrrained, reckless Elvaan like that... a prrrince in any way, shape, or form!? If that blockhead ever showed up on a white charger to save me like in one of those stories, I'd rather get eaten by the drrragon!"

Game Description[]

Mission Orders
You have been assigned the task of infiltrating the inner political circle of the Empire as an agent of the allied forces. Report to Raillefal.