
Sky is a player term for the Rise of the Zilart content of the Tu'Lia Region and is typically written as Auto Translate text. Like all regions, Tu'Lia is not available as a translation in the Auto Translate function, which may have been one reason why the term was coined.

Access is granted to Tu'Lia upon completion of Zilart Mission 13.

The term may refer to either the region, one of the areas, or the content itself:

  • Tu'Lia - the region where the "sky" content is located.
  • Ru'Aun Gardens - the first area of the Tu'Lia region.
  • The Shrine of Ru'Avitau - the second area of the Tu'Lia region.
  • Ve'Lugannon Palace - the third area of the Tu'Lia region.
  • Sky Notorious Monsters - Notorious Monsters residing in Tu'Lia is considered an endgame activity